We aren’t all party planners, and we aren’t all experts at making sure everything runs smoothly. However, here are a few things you will need to prioritize and some you should consider to ensure your event is a great one.


Who wants to attend a house party with no music? I don’t think you’d want to. Good music will put your visitors in a good mood and set the tone for the rest of the evening. You can easily plug your phone into a speaker if you don’t own a good sound system. Make sure you create a playlist in advance. This will eliminate the stress of having to change the music every time a bad song comes on. There are some great apps with pre-made playlists, so you don’t have to spend hours searching for the best songs.


If you’re having a gathering, you should at least have finger food on hand. No one wants to go to a party without a few snacks to nibble on. There are some inexpensive pre-made boxes at most large supermarkets, or you can check online for some quick and simple recipes.

To better understand what your party will require put yourself in the shoes of your guests and ask yourself what would make your experience more enjoyable if you were attending the party.


I mean, this goes without saying but specifically think about the different people you are inviting. If you are inviting people with feuds or people that just hate each other for no reason (you know the ones), when they see each other there is always an argument or fight; well unless family it might be worth alternating events you invite them to. That way you avoid the headache of dealing with the constant drama. One or two drama productions is a must for most events, and you can’t be blamed for pulling up a chair and getting your popcorn out when it can be more entertaining than TV, but still, too much is just tiring and ruins the night.


For example, you’ll need a place for your guests to cool their drinks, and your fridge might not be big enough. Having a few coolers about or asking guests to bring their own is a good idea, but this is something that many hosts overlook. It’s always a great idea to keep cab numbers on hand. Guests (and you) may get a little carried away and we all know driving while intoxicated is a terrible idea. Consider displaying the cab number near the door so guests can see it when they are ready to leave.

If you want to make sure you covering all the bases and hosting like a pro, view our ultimate Host and Games Guide here with tips and added ‘wow factor’ pointers to make sure your event goes down as the party of the year.